Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Transformation: How She Did It

Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Transformation: How She Did It

Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Transformation

Rebel Wilson, the Australian actress, and comedian who’s gained a reputation for her bubbly personality and humorous antics has been in the public eye recently for her incredible weight loss transformation. In this article, we’ll explore Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey and how she did it.

Who is Rebel Wilson?

Before we delve into her weight loss journey, let’s first take a look at who Rebel Wilson is. Rebel Wilson was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1980. She began her career in the entertainment industry in Australia before making her way to Hollywood, where she gained international fame. She’s appeared in numerous films and television shows, including Pitch Perfect, Bridesmaids, and Jojo Rabbit, among others.

Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey

Rebel Wilson has always been known for her larger-than-life personality and size. However, in recent years, she’s been working hard to shed some of that weight. According to reports, Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey began in 2016 when she started working with a personal trainer.

What motivated Rebel Wilson to lose weight?

There were several reasons why Rebel Wilson decided to embark on a weight loss journey. One of the main reasons was her health. In an interview with People magazine, Rebel Wilson revealed that she wanted to improve her overall health and fitness level. She also wanted to reduce her risk of developing health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.

Rebel Wilson has been one of Hollywood’s most beloved figures for years. But in 2020, she made headlines for a new reason: her stunning weight loss transformation. Fans around the world were amazed by her dedication, hard work, and determination to shed pounds and become healthier.

What many people may not know, however, is that Rebel Wilson battled with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder that can cause weight gain, infertility, and other health problems. Despite this challenge, Rebel Wilson managed to overcome PCOS and achieve her weight loss goals.

How did Rebel Wilson lose weight?

Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey was not an easy one. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and lifestyle changes to achieve her weight loss goals. Here are some of the things that Rebel Wilson did to lose weight:

1. Adopting a healthier diet

One of the main things that Rebel Wilson did to lose weight was adopting a healthier diet. She focused on eating more whole foods such as vegetables, plenty of proteins and healthy fats. She also reduced her intake of processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats. Nutrition is absolute key to seeing the scale go down.

2. Regular exercise

In addition to adopting a healthier diet, Rebel Wilson also started working out regularly. She worked with a personal trainer who helped her develop a workout routine that included strength training, high intensity interval training as well as cardio.

3. Consistency

Another key factor in Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey was consistency. She remained consistent in her diet and exercise routine, which helped her see results over time.

4. Staying motivated

Finally, Rebel Wilson stayed motivated throughout her weight loss journey. She set realistic goals for herself and celebrated her successes along the way. She also surrounded herself with a support system of friends and family who encouraged and supported her. Rebel did not allow small set-backs to take her off track from her long-term goals.

Rebel Wilson’s weight loss results

So, how much weight did Rebel Wilson lose? Rebel managed to lose close to 80 pounds. She’s shared photos on social media that show her looking slimmer and more toned than ever before.


Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey is an inspiring example of how hard work, dedication, and lifestyle changes can lead to significant weight loss results. By adopting a healthier diet, regular exercise, consistency, and motivation, Rebel Wilson has achieved incredible weight loss results that have improved her overall health and wellbeing.


  1. Did Rebel Wilson undergo weight loss surgery?

No, Rebel Wilson did not undergo weight loss surgery. Her weight loss was achieved through lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthier diet and regular exercise.

  1. How long did it take for Rebel Wilson to lose weight?

Rebel Wilson has not revealed how long it took her to lose weight. However, it’s important to note that weight loss is a journey, and everyone’s journey is different. It’s important to focus on progress and not just the end result. A good metric to aim for is losing 1-2 pounds consistently every week. As you get leaner, that number may get smaller.

  1. What kind of exercises did Rebel Wilson do to lose weight?

Rebel Wilson’s workout routine included a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Her personal trainer helped her develop a workout plan that was tailored to her specific needs and goals.

  1. What is PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects many women, causing weight gain, insulin resistance, infertility, and other health problems. Rebel Wilson was diagnosed with PCOS in her 20s and struggled with weight gain and other symptoms.

  1. Has Rebel Wilson talked about her weight loss journey?

Yes, Rebel Wilson has spoken openly about her weight loss journey in various interviews and on social media. She has been an inspiration to many who are also on their weight loss journey.

In conclusion, Rebel Wilson’s weight loss journey is a testament to the fact that with hard work, dedication, and consistency, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. By adopting a healthier diet, regular exercise, and staying motivated, she was able to achieve incredible weight loss results that improved her overall health and wellbeing.

Do you want to want to see similar results and fast? Apply for coaching and get started on your weight loss journey today!